Car accident victims can expect long waits before securing their settlement compensation. The accident experience results in mixed reactions as the victims worry about getting money to settle their immediate bills. However, with the use of car accident loans, you can access the funds you need now. Don’t let a lengthy lawsuit ruin your finances. Find the justice you deserve in pre-settlement funding. Visit if you feel your car is only valid for scrapping!
Your dedicated personal injury attorney can direct you to a trusted money lending company. You can use a lawsuit as loan collateral, your credit score notwithstanding.
What Are the Steps in Applying for a Car Accident Loan?
Unlike other loans, the steps in applying for a car accident loan are simple. In addition to the contingency fee agreement you have with your lawyer, repayment for the loan depends on whether you successfully settle the case.
Here is a simple step-by-step guide to applying for a car accident loan:
1. Present Your Loan Application
The loan application is proof that you require cash to help you cover living expenses. Once you’ve identified the right money lending company, you can apply for a car accident loan online or by phone. As soon as you make the application, you can focus on getting the proper compensation for your injuries.
2. The Money Lender Reviews Details of Your Case
With the help of your lawyer, the moneylender will then review the details of your case to determine whether their investment is worthwhile.
Investigating the at-fault party will also help determine the chances of winning your case. After reviewing this, the moneylender will make their decision.
3. The Lending Company Sends a Loan Approval Documents Through Your Attorney
After assessing the potential value and likelihood of victory for your case, the money funding agency can now make a decision. Since this is a risky investment, the money funding company will only choose to lend you money where they project high chances you win the case. Assuming your application was successful, the funding agency sends loan approval forms through your attorney for you to read and sign.
4. You and Your Lawyer Rubber-Stamp the Agreement Documents
Although the approval documents mean you will get the loan, it is essential to read the terms of the agreement. Your attorney, maybe from an established firm similar to Wattel and York can help you understand the terms of the contract before signing and provide a notary service when you’re ready to sign.
5. The Lender Sends the Money to Your Account
After receiving your acceptance declaration for the car loan accident, the lending firm wires the money to your account. Most Money Lending firms send the money within a day of the loan application and approval. They are aware the applicant requires immediate help to sort their expenses as they focus on their recovery.
Apply For a Car Accident Loan
Many accident experiences are traumatic, but it does not have to end in debt. Instead of landing yourself into mounds of debt just to keep the lights on and family fed, consider following the above step-by-step guide in applying for the car accident loan. A car accident loan helps you focus on receiving compensation for the accident.
Have you been injured in a car accident? Now is the best time to apply for a car accident loan.