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Are Solar Panels Worth the Investment? A History of Solar Panels

29th January 2021

Today, we take solar panels for granted, but they have been around for some time now. Already they have helped our planet by replacing traditional depletable energy sources. This article will think about how the phenomenon of solar panels, that companies such as Naperville solar continue to provide, began. Long may these renewable energy sources carry on providing householders with an alternative option. In not all that many years, solar panels may be one of few options. Not only are solar panels a better power source in terms of the environment, but they are often cheaper to run than conventional electric or gas heating. So, let us now explore their origins.

Who Invented the Solar Panel?

It was in 1839 that the photovoltaic effect, explaining how electricity is generated from sunlight, was discovered by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel.

The principle of the photovoltaic effect is that electrons being displaced will result in electric current. So that this can happen, light particles (known as protons) will excite the most outer electrons of the atoms pertaining to certain semiconductor elements.

For more information on the science behind solar panels, click here.

Who Made the First Solar Panel?

It was in 1954 in the US that Daryl Chain, Gerald Pearson, and Calvin Fuller, developed silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells. They worked on them at Bell Labs. From their work, they produced a solar cell that was able to convert enough of the sun’s energy to power the electrical equipment that everyone used.


Solar panels first became popular in 2005 as the technology increased to maximum efficiency. It was then that residential solar power became popular with the masses. The trend has continued. What we know from how long it has been in existence is that it is a tried and tested renewable energy source for producing cheaper and more environmentally friendly electricity.

Typically, a household today will need to have 28-34 solar panels to rely one hundred percent on them for energy. This explains why we often only see part of a roof covered by solar panels or cells. This is usually enough to fulfil a householder’s needs. However, any miscalculation is not wasted because the surplus energy produced can be sold to the grid.

Solar panels manufactured in recent times will have an industry standard life span of between 25 to 30 years, so represent a good investment.

The technology is now being used on residential properties, on the roofs of schools, as well as in businesses, especially in countries like the US. The country has become so invested in this technology that there seem to have been talks of powering the entire nation using solar panels. (But the question is: How many solar panels it takes to power the US?)

It seems that everyone is finally seeing the benefit.
So, it could be safe to say that this technological innovation is here to stay because the traditional fossil fuels are becoming depleted and will not be able to be replaced, so governments and their scientists continue to look for renewable and sustainable energy sources that can be used instead. Wind farms take up space or create eyesores in the sea, whereas a solar panel on every roof would just blend into the environment. The power of the sun cannot be underestimated. Without it, life could not exist on earth, we would just be in a frozen atmosphere. The sun produces energy equivalent to 1 million megatons of TNT. Solar panels allow for its heat to be experienced both outdoors and indoors. In order to harness the power of the Sun’s light and heat, many homeowners today install solar panels on their homes with the help of companies such as EMT Solar & Roofing (https://emtsolar.com/solar-installation/). By using solar power instead of electricity, they will be able to save money, power their home appliances, and contribute to the reversal of global warming.

So, solar panels date back to 1839, but are a technology very much for the future. Solar panels have come a long way over the past few years and therefore it will be interesting to see what else the future holds for renewable energy. Without such sources we may struggle before long to heat our homes. This suggests that we should get on board with the technology sooner rather than later. It is certainly worth finding out more, and a company such as Naperville solar, as mentioned above, will be happy to help.

Jack Braintree

Hi! I am Jack Braintree, I am an avid traveller, and I love to shop. I am a software engineer, and I have spent seven years in the workforce, working for IT companies, full time and as a freelancer. I created dropjack.com to provide in-depth reviews, tips and tricks for shoppers

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