Drop Jack

How to get 1000 Instagram likes in one day

17th October 2019

If you don’t know why everybody and their grandma is rushing to construct some kind of social media presence which particularly incorporates Instagram then you’re missing out on the huge potential it carries. Otherwise if you’ve jumped onboard either way, congratulations to you – you don’t really need to know exactly how it works in order to benefit from it.

However, whether you’ve set up your ‘Gram to perhaps drive traffic to your business’s website, for brand awareness or to boost your profile as an influencer (personal and niche branding), it’s no longer enough to just have that presence. It’s no longer enough to just be on IG, even if you’re posting some of the best content in your niche or the best content, period.

IG has become a very competitive frontier for online market share with the currency being the active engagement you get. This can be measured through various means, one of which is the number of “likes” your IG account has. Online creators can benefit from a surge of likes as it can give them the social media reach, they need. Many even tend to buy automatic instagram likes that can generate likes for a new post on their Instagram handle automatically.

Now, there are so many effects to benefit from as a result of getting a sudden spike in likes, with 1,000 indicatively being the magic number. I’m going to share two methods I personally use effectively to periodically enjoy that boost of 1,000 likes, one which requires you to invest your time, while the alternative requires you to invest some money instead. You can always implement both, but just to briefly delve deeper into one of the benefits getting a 1,000-likes spike can do for you, it’s simply a matter of getting the algorithms which monitor trends to notice this engagement and then bump you up accordingly.

Users who are not coy about sharing their account analytics and performances report some kind of knock-on effect, where that initial spike of a 1,000 likes over a period of a day leads to a torrent of further likes.

So how do you go about getting 1,000 likes in one day?

Investing some time

Assuming you already have some kind of reasonably sized following across all platforms through which you engage with your audiences, investing some time to garner up to 1,000 likes and more would entail some kind of a giveaway. You need to put up a reward, the best of which is a digital product so that no physical inventory has to be handled, which you then give away to the ‘first people to like’ your IG, but if they’re already within that bracket, then it’d have to be tailored to include those who refer a new ‘like.’ Granted, that can be difficult to track, so it could be approached as something like ‘help us reach a such and such likes milestone and get the exclusive download offered…’

Investing a little bit of money

There is no rocket science to this option, which considering how affordable it is probably makes for the better one between the two. In fact, buying 1000 likes from Buzzvoice works out to be so cheap that I would suggest this over trying to spend some time with campaigns that require the type of manual labour explored above! At least this way you’re guaranteed to get the results you want and you can take comfort from the fact that these are real accounts from which the IG likes would be coming.

Jack Braintree

Hi! I am Jack Braintree, I am an avid traveller, and I love to shop. I am a software engineer, and I have spent seven years in the workforce, working for IT companies, full time and as a freelancer. I created dropjack.com to provide in-depth reviews, tips and tricks for shoppers

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